Keeping the group moving forward and developing the wishes of the members
Contact number 07459 479398
Your Group Needs You
Could this be you Committee Members and helpers are needed to help Severn Valley Group continue
Equipment officer looking after the club assets and deputising for the Chairman when required
Dotting the I's, crossing the T's and welcoming new members
Firstly, thank you for hosting a rally, without you we would not be able to run rallies, if you require further guidance on any matter not covered below, or not sure on please contact the Group Secretary or Rally Officer who will try to avail any concerns or misgivings you may hold.
1. On accepting the duties, it is always a good idea if you don’t know the rally site to speak to the Rally Officer to establish what equipment i.e. signs etc. you may need, where’s best to park, (it is always best to park yourself as close as possible to the entrance) and how you should park members on arrival. If possible, check the surrounding area for points of interest during the weekend of your rally.
2. Ensure the equipment you require in addition to the direction signs, reception signs, Elsan and fresh water signs, which need to be collected by yourselves from the previous rally or arrange for someone to collect them on your behalf as these are handed on from rally to rally.
3. Time your arrival so as to leave yourself sufficient time to put signs out and get yourself set up prior to your chosen start time. If at a school you shouldn’t arrive before the majority of pupils have vacated the premises, again the Rally Officer can advise.
4. Place signs out in a prominent position to aid members attending.
Remember these signs need collecting in again at the end of the rally.
5. Park member’s camper vans, according to the 6 metre rule.
All vans should be able to drive off site in forward gear.
Please seek guidance from the Constitution, Appendix K Annex 1,to be found in your rally pack, or from a committee member if unsure.
Visitors should not be allowed on site with their vehicles. Please ask them to park in an area near the entrance. The club’s insurance does not cover their vehicles. Make a note of the names on the booking sheet.
6. Remember you are first point of contact members have, so you should be polite and friendly. Please do not get into disagreements, but respectfully advise the member their grievance will be reported to a committee member if you are unable to resolve the matter.
7. All members are to show their membership card on arrival. This will enable you to record their number on the booking sheet and check membership has not expired. If in any doubt speak to a committee member.
8. It is preferable that all fees are taken as members arrive. Site fees and electric charges have been published in both rally programme and on the website. These fees are per unit per night.
Visitors should also be listed and charges applied to them if they take part in any of the arranged proceedings.
9. It is normal practice to run a raffle, the budget for this is up to £30/£60 on larger rally's. Please ensure you keep your receipts to enable you to claim your money back. Raffle tickets can be obtained from the Secretary or Treasurer. Ticket start and end numbers need to be recorded on the rally expense sheet for accountability
10. Urns, if used, need to be switched on at least 1 hour before needed. Tea, coffee and sugar should be checked on receiving the equipment and replenished if necessary along with biscuits and milk for your event. As a guide 12 tea bags to a pot. Coffee morning on Sunday morning is normally 10.30 unless otherwise advised by the host or a Committee member. It is advised that when transferring boiling water from the urn to tea pots, that one person holds the pot and one controls the flow of boiling water. Two people emptying hot water from the urn is also advised.
11. When hosts wish to provide a buffet (this not a requirement) a limit of £2 per van can be claimed back with the production of receipts. However, care needs to be taken on estimating the number of vans attending. It is therefore prudent to not purchase foodstuffs prior to the actual day of the buffet/BBQ/etc. but rather on the day when actual numbers can reasonably be determined.
12. It is preferred all forms are completed by the host and handed to the treasurer along with monies and receipts for expenditure that you wish to claim back, along with any unused paperwork. If the Treasurer is not attending the rally, please pass on to an attending Committee member.
13. Equipment should be cleaned and packed prior to handing over to the host of the next rally.
14. Generic risks at each rally, will be assessed be the rally officer. In the event of any further risks being identified once on site, the host should highlight this risk on the form. Accident and Incident forms must also to be completed after any injury or unforeseen event.
We hope your experience running a rally has been favourable. May we take this opportunity in thanking you for your invaluable contribution to: