We are trying to cut down the number of bookable Rallies this year but a number of members who travel long distances have expressed concern about limited space rallies. It has decided that members who wish to pre book a space at a limited space or another other will be able to do so and be guaranteed a space on that Rally. We will post on Facebook and the Website information about a limited space Rally if it become full through bookings.
We are working hard at present to get the Rally Booklet for 2025 put together ready for the Printers. We hope to get the Rally Booklet Posted out to all members by the end of January.
For those not paying by Bank Transfer prior to the Rally then payment is Cash only on the arrival. We have no faciliities to take Card or Online payments.
As from Monday 25th March we are able to take a text reservations for Bookable Rallies. Please text Rally Name, the names of people in your party, membership number and van reg to 075-262-14119 we will reply confirming your booking or if any other information is required for commercial campsites.
Please note that the Number will be monitored 3 days a day and replies will not be available on Severn Valley Rally weekends or when we are away but will be dealt with as soon as possible on our return.
We are asking members if they can help out at our Rallies and we especially need hosts as a matter of urgency. If you can help in any way can you contact me at phil.svmcc@gmail.com
Severn Valley members voted at the 62nd AGM to install Jenny Barlow as the Group's new Honorary President. This position became vacant following the sad demise of Derek Lawton. Congratulations to Jenny
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